9 Organizing Tips for Busy Moms

9 Organizing Tips for Busy Moms

Updated August 2021

9 Tips Busy Moms Can Use for Staying Organized

Summer is in full swing and between juggling the kids’ camp schedule, your work schedule, and still trying to have a social life, we know you’re a busy bee!

Being a mama takes some serious work… and that’s an understatement! Keeping an organized home on top of everything else on your to do list can definitely be a challenge. That’s why we thought that we would share some easy hacks for home organization to help you get organized and stay organized! These tips will help you in your daily life and in your getting ready for school morning routine. You might already do some of these, but by doing each task on this list, you are sure to stay more efficient, and even save some time! As parents, we need to work smarter, not harder, and these tips were developed so you can take some extra steps out of your daily routine so you have more time to spend with your kids, or do something you love!


Home organization tips and tricks:

  1. Create a shared family calendar (wall calendar, or shared calendar on your phone). Never again will there be a day where there’s a miscommunication on when soccer practice is, or accidentally making plans during the dance recital!

  2. Make a designated space for everything: kids’ backpacks, diaper bags, lunch boxes, shoes, etc. This way everyone knows where everything goes, and you don't waste ten minutes in the morning searching for things. You’d be surprised how much kids love organization as much as you do! Get in a routine of having them put their items into the designated spaces when they come home after school. This simple shift will really help with how to get ready for school after summer!

  3. Delegate!! This is a big one! Don’t try to tackle everything yourself. Try grocery delivery, meal delivery, or house cleaning. It’s okay to get that extra help from outside your home so that you have more time for yourself!

  4. Automate payments. Set up bills for autopay and consider using the subscribe + save feature when shopping online for regular purchases such as paper towels or dish soap. You’ll never run out again!

  5. Divide up household chores. Decide who will do what, and when. Here is a good resource for age appropriate chores for little ones. And don’t forget your husband!

  6. Create a donation station - a bin in the garage or a tote bag in the bottom of a closet. The moment you come across something you no longer need or use, it goes in the donation bin. Whenever it gets full, take it to your local shelter or donation facility! Keep the clutter out of your way.

  7. Sort mail directly over the recycling bin - don’t give paper clutter the chance to accumulate on surfaces.

  8. Label everything! Especially in kids rooms. You can label their drawers, their toy bins, anything! It will make it that much easier when putting things away. Even more so when Dad is helping to put the toys or clothes away!

  9. Ask for clutter-free gifts. If you have well-meaning relatives who love to spoil your little ones with gifts, ask them for an experience instead of things! A trip to a museum, an escape room, an art class - anything that doesn't need to take up space in your home. Your kiddos are more likely to remember these gifts down the road, too!


Originally published 10/9/2019

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