8 Myths About Hiring a Professional Organizer

8 Myths About Hiring a Professional Organizer

Here are 8 myths about hiring a professional organizer, and the truth!

We know that hiring a new person to come into your home can to help get you organized can feel daunting, especially if you’ve heard any of these myths and think that they are true. Today we are here to debunk these myths about hiring a professional organizer and answer some questions that you may have. If there are any other questions you have, we are an open, honest book! Feel free to ask us through the contact page or the “Ask Us!” button to the right.

Myth #1: It's Elitist.

Truth: Hiring a pro organizer isn't just for "fancy" people. Yes, we do get to work in some of the most beautiful homes ever, but we also have worked in storage units, sheds, garages and tiny studio apartments. We love each project the same (and LOVE the challenge of working in a tiny space).

Myth #2: I'm too messy!

Truth: You know that meme of the #queen Marie Kondo jumping up and down saying "I love mess!". That's basically...us. There's no mess too big for us. We don't judge or get overwhelmed. We love tackling big projects with our whole team and creating systems that will work for years to come in your space.

Myth #3: People will judge me.

Truth: We NEVER judge our clients. Professionalism and kindness are extremely important to us. We are there to help, and understand that getting organized can be difficult, emotional and fatiguing. So, we always listen to clients' needs and respect their wishes.

Myth #4: It's too expensive.

Truth: We charge by the hour, and our rates are clearly stated on our site so there will be no surprises. We also give quotes during the consult process, and discuss budget with you in detail. We never push clients to purchase purchase product, and are happy to get creative with items the client already owns.

Myth #5: It takes too much time!

Truth: It's true, organizing properly can take a while. However, our team works very quickly and are extremely efficient. The longest part of the process is usually the sorting phase, where clients decide what they're parting with. We recommend clients go with their initial instant reaction, in order to nudge that process along.

Myth #6: I'll never be able to maintain it!

Truth: We work with each client individually to create systems that last. It's important to us that your space works great for YOU, not just looks good in a satisfying "after" picture.

Myth #7: They'll make me throw it all away!

Truth: We NEVER force clients to part with things. We understand that parting with items can be an emotional, and sentimental process. We can always improve your space, even if you aren't parting with a single item. We believe in decluttering and we love minimalism, but we also know that it doesn't work for everyone.

Myth #8: They're gonna make me file fold my socks, and color code my closet!

Truth: We believe in the power of file folding, but are also realistic. Some people like to put their socks in little balls, or have a crazy drawer of loose underwear or organize their clothes by era or season and not color. If that works for them, then there's no reason to change it! Each space needs to work for the client, so they'll all differ a bit.

When in doubt, we are here to ease your nerves and explain the process. Don’t hestitate to ask us anything, we are all ears!

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