Decision Fatigue & Your Wardrobe

Decision Fatigue & Your Wardrobe

6 Ways to Combat Decision Fatigue with your Wardrobe

Decision fatigue is a real thing. Back in 2015, The Huffington Post wrote: "We are constantly bombarded with tiny decisions throughout the day, like what to eat, what to wear or whether or not to respond to this email now. This could be particularly overwhelming and prevent us from being present enough to do our best work and live our best lives."

I absolutely want to be fully present and live my best life, especially when it comes to being with my family and friends. It seems like such a small thing, deciding what to wear in the morning. But if you've ever seen me after a terrible night of sleep, dealing with PMS and no coffee, listening to my kids stomp around and the dog incessantly barking...choosing an outfit can be a major struggle.

This article focuses on decision fatigue, and how you can always have the perfect OOTD without using up your valuable decision making power for the day. (For more tips on combating decision fatigue, read this!) A little wardrobe planning and organization could hold the key to minimizing decision fatigue and starting your day in the most positive way!

1. Pick Your Outfit the Night Before

Start by including outfit planning in your night time routine and preserve your morning energy for the more meaningful decisions of life. 

2. Declutter Your Closet

A cramped closet is not conducive to streamlined decision making. Take inventory. Do you need 50 black tank tops? If you haven’t worn an item for more than one year, it no longer belongs in your wardrobe (unless it's a cocktail dress - those always belong). If it's damaged, fix it or toss it. Remember - donating clothes is an easy way for you to streamline your closet while also bringing joy to someone else. And it's tax-deductible. 

3. Create a Staging Space

A hook for hanging outfits on the back of your closet door, a clear chair for draping, or even some floor space for a fashion flat lay is essential for exploring clothing combinations to create your best look.

4. Curate a Capsule

There is evidence that many highly successful people including Barack Obama, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg all have their own signature style, and wear variations of the same outfit everyday. Build a capsule of versatile pieces you love and keep them interesting with seasonal accessories.

5. Keep Accessories Accessible

Accessories are key to outfit planning. Store your scarves, belts and jewelry where you can see them. Review your collection regularly to add interest and personality to your outfits.

6. Rotate Seasonally

Off-season clothing can create clutter and cause distraction. To streamline your ability to make outfit choices, store off season clothing in the spare room or basement.

Grant yourself the time and space to slow down, be creative and take pleasure in choosing your outfit for the day ahead. How will you greet the new day?













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