Before + After Series: Office Transition and Bathroom Declutter

Before + After Series: Office Transition and Bathroom Declutter

Before + After Bathroom Transition with Fashion Stylist Ali Levine

Sometimes a couple of the rooms in your home need a little love and that’s where we LOVE to come into the picture. We helped our client, fashion stylist Ali Levine of Stripd Down Podcast, in 2 areas of her home and are so happy have created more sustainable solutions for her!



First, we helped her declutter the bathroom and beauty products. A recurring issue for many influencers is that products keep coming in - an amazing problem to have that needs a good organizational system! We started in the bathroom because I know she loves getting glam and this would have such an impact in her emotions and energy starting her day. We created a back stock beauty cabinet so that she can store anything she isn’t using in and have a space for any new product that arrives.

We also sorted through the remnants of her styling career, all stored in her office and garage. Her goal is to be able to use the office to tape podcasts and turn it into a functional guest room, but it was stuffed with all the items she used to use when she was styling full time. We have slowly been selling everything and donating items to various charities. As for the garage, we cleared out a bunch of the styling items that she is no longer using to make room for her husband to build a workbench.

We have also been working on her garage and more on that will be posted upon completion!

Click here to listen to Ali’s Podcast, Stripd Down, when I was a guest and we talked all about, organization tips and tricks, how to make organizing not so daunting, and why no matter who you are, it's so necessary for all of us!

Project Breakdown:

  • Products: For the office, we used items that Ali already owned. For the bathroom, we purchased multipurpose bins, long divided plastic bins, and divided turntables. Approximately $150 spent.

  • 2 days, 7 hours per day with 2 organizers

See her before and after pictures below by sliding the arrow!

See more photos of the process below!

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