Try This Simple Morning Routine

Try This Simple Morning Routine

Updated January 2024

Try This Simple Morning Routine

Have you ever listened to successful people speak about their mornings? They guard their morning routine with all that they have. Whether their success is in sports, family life, entertainment - you name it, across all professions and goals, the morning routine is important.

It doesn’t need to be complicated, in fact we believe if you follow these steps for a simple morning routine you will experience an immediate shift in your day to day happiness.

If you have struggled to keep a morning routine in your life, consider adding just 1-2 of these steps for the next week. Then, add on 1 -2 more for another week and so on until you find what works best for you.


The Right Amount of Sleep

Your morning routine starts the night before by making sure you're getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to depression. Set a bedtime reminder on your phone as a little nudge to get off your phone and away from screens for the rest of the evening.

Try to wake up around the same time every morning. The best way to build a daily ritual is by doing the same thing at the same time every day.

Hydrate to be Great!

While it might not be as yummy as your morning latte, there has been consistent research done all over the world about the benefits of starting your day with a glass of water.

After sleeping all night, the body becomes dehydrated so it's important to rehydrate asap so you can receive the benefits of being hydrated, like: mental clarity, energy (seriously, try grabbing for water instead of coffee next time you're tired), and stimulates digestion. 


Do Not Disturb… yet!

During your morning routine, don't grab for your phone yet! Keep it on Do Not Disturb, find a cozy nook, and do a morning meditation instead. I enjoy everything from guided mediations, to mantras, to affirmations.

My favorite mantra and mediation coach is by Tony Lupinacci, and I love listening to guided meditations from Heidi Stevens and Gabby Bernstein.


Time to Yourself

After my mediation I make a coffee or tea, and sit in silence before the kids wake up. I use this time in my morning routine to journal, scroll through IG, or read a magazine.

This block of time is great to regroup and do something you normally don’t have a chance to once your day gets going.


Get In Your Steps or Stretch

After coffee or journaling, I go for a walk, run, or to a yoga class. If I don't move my body first thing in the morning as part of my routine, I know I will struggle to find time for exercise later on.

Getting your body moving is so important for not only mental health, but physical health too!

Fuel Your Body

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You’ve probably heard that before… But, have you really made it a priority to get some calories in before lunchtime hits? Everyone’s body is different, but for most it is advised to have protein earlier in the day if possible. I love having some Trader Joe’s breakfast burritos in my fridge on hand for those busier mornings.

Which habits will you be adding in to your morning routine? Remember, start simple! You don’t need to add these all in at once. Which 1-2 can you implement now that will help YOU the most?

Originally published May 2021

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