The Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Kitchen Cabinets

The Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Kitchen Cabinets

Guest blog post written by Jade Piper:

The Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Kitchen Cabinets

When you stop and think about it, a lot of things go in your kitchen cabinets from pots, and pans, to small tins and tubs; if you organize the space efficiently, there is room for everything! Here we give you a detailed guide on how to organize kitchen cabinets effectively.

Having organized kitchen cabinets not only makes your kitchen visually appealing, it also will make cooking and storing food more efficient. When your cabinets are organized, you do not waste time looking for pots or ingredients – everything is exactly where you need it to be and is clearly visible. Organized kitchen cabinets can be achieved with a few basic steps: planning where all of your items will be stored, removing clutter from cabinets, and categorizing your items and storing them in cabinets that make sense for how you use your kitchen.

Planning What Will be Organized in Your Kitchen Cabinets

The first step you must take in organizing your kitchen cabinets is planning where everything will go. Everyone has different preferences for where they store items in their kitchen, so this step will require you to think about your own preferences. Even small spaces in your kitchen can be utilized and organized. Also, part of planning is deciding which storage systems you would like to utilize. There is a wide variety of systems and deciding which is best depends upon what you like. Here are some ideas for items that you can use to increase your kitchen storage:

Décor that is functional –

A great way to make your kitchen cabinets look decorative but still maintain the functionality of them is to choose décor that can also be used for storage. This is great for any space that you have above your kitchen cabinets.

Lazy Susans –

Despite the name, a lazy Susan is actually very helpful in the kitchen. A lazy Susan is a turntable tray that can be placed inside your kitchen cabinets. The tray allows you to spin it around to access items on all sides.

Spice racks –

Spice racks help organize your kitchen spices. The rack also helps to efficiently use cabinet space while also keeping each spice visible for easy access.

Using a tension rod inside cabinets –

A great way to store cleaning bottles inside your cabinet is to use a tension rod. The tension rod can be easily placed and removed. After installing, place your spray bottle handles on the tension rod to store. This also frees up the bottom of the cabinet where you can place additional items.

Mason jars –

Mason jars are versatile. You can use them to store food and use them for basic kitchen storage. Mason jars can hold anything you need in the kitchen. They can also be used decoratively.

Stackable pots and pans -

A great way to keep your pots and pans neat and tidy, yet easily accessible, is to purchase pots and pans that are stackable. By stacking them, you can store more, and they will look very organized.

Expandable shelves inside cabinets –

Another great way of organizing your cabinets is to install expandable shelves. This will allow you to access your items easily, and store more.

Use hooks to hang mugs –

Store your coffee mugs on hooks inside of your cabinets. This will help you make the most of the space inside your cabinets. It also is a great way to display your mug collection.

Declutter Your Kitchen Cabinets

After you have planned how you want to organize your cabinets and what storage systems you would like to use, it is time to declutter any unwanted items from your cabinets. This step should be much easier now that you have planned what you want your organized cabinets to look like. During the planning process, you should have considered what items you need and which items you no longer use. Decluttering will help make the next step easier. When organizing your cabinets, it is also a good time to look at other good cleaning hacks for your kitchen so it really sparkles.

Categorize Your Kitchen Cabinets

Now that you have decluttered, you are ready to sort each of your items into categories. Each category will have similar items in them. Categories may look like: baking, food prep, coffee/tea bar, cleaning products, small appliances, utensils, food storage. During your planning, you should have identified where you would like each category of items to go. It is recommended that you place these items close to where you will use them, for easy access. Once you have categorized your items, it is time to put them back in the cabinets. Before doing so, you should wipe down the shelves and replace any damaged shelf liners as needed.

How to Maintain Your Organized Kitchen Cabinets

Once you have cleaned and organized your kitchen cabinets, it is important to continue to maintain them. Maintaining your kitchen requires continued effort and consistency. As you organized, you placed the items in locations that worked well for your family. Everything should have a designated “home.” Part of maintaining the organization is remembering to place the items back in their home when you are not using them. If you commit to doing this, you will notice that it is easier to stay organized. In addition to this piece of advice, as you go throughout your kitchen you may find that certain organization does not work for your family. For example, you may notice utensils or pots continually not being put away in the correct spot because the shelf is hard to reach. This may require you to rethink the storage location of that particular item; your kitchen should make storing and cooking efficient. There is not a one-size fits all approach to this, organization should be customized to fit your family’s preferences.

Organizing your kitchen cabinets helps to make things more efficient. When you are preparing your family’s meals, you will spend less time searching for items or ingredients because your kitchen is set up in a way that allows you to see everything that you need. Through the process, you decluttered your kitchen of any items that you no longer used, and you sorted your kitchen cabinets in a way that will make finding items easy. Maintaining your kitchen will require you to be mindful of placing each item back where they belong. Also, the tidier your kitchen, the easier it is to clean it. As you cook, you will find yourself enjoying your clean and organized kitchen!

Written by Jade Piper

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