8 Tips for Back to School Prep

8 Tips for Back to School Prep

Updated August 2022

8 Ways to Get Back in the Grind for School

Wow! Where did the summer go? Our travels are wrapping up, summer camps are ending, and now it’s time to get back to the grind. Are you wondering how you will ever get ready for school after all this time off? The answer is preparation! As the end of summer is fast approaching, we’re here to help with some home organizing 101 tricks of the trade to make sure your return to a schedule is filled with ease!!

Time for school!!

1) Practice Earlier Bedtimes

It always happens, that we tend to be a bit more lenient with our kids’ bedtimes over the summer. Have they gotten used to staying up that extra hour to watch one more episode? Get back into the swing of things by inching bedtime back by 15 minutes each night in the final stretch before summer break is officially over. Earlier bedtimes will make it easier to get ready for school in the morning!

2) Prep those School Outfits

We recommend picking out your kids’ school outfits for the week early. It’ll put less pressure on you and your kids in those early mornings, and maybe you’ll get an extra 10 minutes of shut eye. And if they wear uniforms? They might not be too pleased about it, but lucky you! Make sure to wash and iron all of your kids’ uniforms or clothes that fit the dress code in advance, so not to add last minute stress. Don’t forget about the clothes they need for soccer practice after school!

3) Meal Plan

Figuring out lunch can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! Try getting into a routine that can last from week to week. Sandwiches Monday and Thursday? Hot food in a thermos on Tuesday and Friday? School lunch purchased there on Wednesday? We suggest pre-making lunch the night before, or meal prepping for the whole week, so you can exist with more ease in the mornings! Get your fridge and pantry organized to make packing lunches quick and easy. Designate a section in each specifically for your grab and go snack items to pop in their lunchboxes!

4) Have a Sustainable Lunch!!

Haven’t you heard? Sustainable food storage is all the rage! Add these items to your back to school 2021 shopping list. Try eliminating plastic from your lunchtime routine by using The Sister’s Collective’s products! They’ve got reusable ziplocs great for fruit, goldfish, or anything else! Try their stainless steel lunch containers, reusable straws, or beeswax wraps that come in a variety of designs and colors. They’ve got collections of bamboo utensil sets that are super cute AND good for the environment! Chico bags has stainless steel tiffins that are great for hot or cold food.

5) Calming Nighttime Routine

Self care is important - for both you and the kids! Start winding down the evenings with some relaxing activities such as a warm bath or reading a book. Limit screen time before going to sleep.

6) To-Do Lists

It is just as essential to be mentally organized than to be physically organized with your belongings. Take the time to sit down somewhere comfortable and make a list the night before or in the morning of everywhere you need to be and all of the tasks you need to complete. Take your time with this so you don’t miss anything. The act of actually writing it down will help you feel prepared and give you solace that you can actually get it all done!

7) Clear Out + Re-Stock

Now would be a great time to clear out bedroom and playroom desks and art stations. Eliminate any clutter, tuck away sentimental art pieces, toss dried out markers and pens. Then, re-stock with school supplies!

8) Kid Zone

Create a station for the kids to drop their backpacks, lunchboxes, gym bags, and other school items when they get home from school. If everything is in one spot, you won’t waste time searching for everything in the morning. Maybe hang hooks on the wall for backpacks, and get some baskets to drop items into.

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Originally published 8/02/2021

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