End-of-Summer Cleanup Guide

End-of-Summer Cleanup Guide

Decluttering Your Home for a Cozy Fall: End-of-Summer Cleanup Guide

As the summer days draw to a close, it's the perfect time to start preparing your home for the upcoming fall season. Decluttering your living space not only creates a serene and organized environment but also makes transitioning into the cozier months ahead much easier. We recommend doing this seasonal declutter and organize to maintain an organized system year round. This end-of-summer cleanup guide will walk you through the essential areas of your home that can benefit from decluttering, helping you welcome autumn with a fresh and inviting atmosphere.

Car Cleanup

Throughout the summer, your car might have accumulated a fair share of sand, dust, and miscellaneous items. Look at your calendar and set a date to do your “end of summer clean up.”

This area shouldn’t take you more than one hour to declutter and reorganize.

  • Remove all personal items: Take out any trash, empty water bottles, and unnecessary items that have accumulated in the car.

  • Organize essentials: Designate a small container for essential items like tissues, wet wipes, and hand sanitizer.

  • Check the trunk: Remove any items that you won't need in the coming months. Consider keeping a spare blanket or emergency kit for fall and winter.

Garage Reorganization

During summer, the garage often becomes a catch-all space for outdoor equipment and summer gear. Have a roommate to live-in partner that can help you tackle this? We don’t recommend doing the garage alone. Invite someone to help you for about 4 hours to get this done with a promise of food or their favorite summer beverage afterwards. It will be worth it!

To prepare it your garage for fall, follow these steps:

  • Sort and categorize: Group items together by category (e.g., gardening tools, beach equipment, sports gear).

  • Donate or sell: If there are items you didn't use during the summer or won't need in the future, consider donating or selling them.

  • Store summer items: Clean and store summer-specific items in labeled bins or shelves. This will make it easier to find them next year.

  • Move your fall/winter gear to a more accessible place and put your summer toys away for now.

Want more? Check out our free Garage Organization Download below.

Travel Gear Review

This is probably the easiest section to get done, so start here if you' want to start easy. If you've been on summer vacations or trips, your travel gear might need some attention before you store it away:

  • Clean and launder: Wash and clean travel bags, backpacks, and suitcases to remove any dirt or stains.

  • Check for damages: Inspect your travel gear for any wear and tear. If something is damaged beyond repair, consider replacing it.

  • Store properly: Store travel gear in a designated space, making sure it's easily accessible for your future adventures.

  • And again — is there anything you won’t reuse next year? Check out our amazing and comprehensive list of place to donate goods to.

Pool and Beach Equipment

Summer often involves fun at the pool or beach, and your pool and beach gear might need some decluttering before the season ends:

  • Clean and dry: Rinse off and dry all pool and beach equipment thoroughly to prevent mold and mildew.

  • Check for damages: Inspect inflatables, beach chairs, and umbrellas for damages and dispose of any irreparable items responsibly.

  • Organize and store: Store pool and beach equipment in a designated area so that they're ready for use next summer.

Wardrobe Clean-Out

Don’t forget about your clothes! If you’re in an area that experiences seasons it is always a good i

  • Sort through your clothing items and bid farewell to anything you didn't wear throughout the summer.

  • Be honest with yourself - if you haven't worn it this season, you probably won't wear it next summer either.

  • Donate or sell the pieces that are in good condition but no longer serve you.

  • Keep only the clothes you love and that fit you well.

  • If you have limited closet space, pack away those summer only items to make room for fall!

Want us to do it for you? Fill out this contact form to get your free consultation scheduled.

Remember, the key to successful decluttering is to sort, categorize, and only keep the items that you genuinely need or love. By decluttering these summer-specific areas, you are setting yourself up to maintain a clean and organized home. A clutter-free car, organized garage, and tidy travel gear will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to embrace the changing seasons with ease. Happy decluttering!

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