Make Space for New

Make Space for New

Make Space for New

The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes a whirlwind of festivities, family gatherings, and the spirit of gratitude in the air. We understand the importance of an organized and streamlined home in creating the perfect backdrop for the holidays. Read on to learn why now is the time to minimize and organize your home!

Stress Reduction

The holidays can be a stressful time, and disorder in your home only adds to the chaos. An organized environment allows you to enjoy the festivities without constantly feeling overwhelmed by the mess. When everything has its place, you can focus on the joy of spending time with loved ones and feeling grateful for what you have.

Sit back and think, what area in your home brings you stress? What can you do to change that before the holidays layer more on?

Welcoming Atmosphere

A tidy and efficient home sets the stage for a warm and welcoming atmosphere. When you open your doors to friends and family, an organized space provides a positive first impression. Guests will feel more at ease, and you'll create a hospitable environment for all to enjoy.

Easier Decorating

Decking the halls and getting into the holiday spirit is a breeze when your home is well-organized. You can find your holiday decorations easily, and setting them up becomes a fun and enjoyable activity rather than a daunting task. An organized home allows you to showcase your festive decor to its fullest potential. We have helped many clients organize their storage spaces (closets, attics, garages) to make this easier for them!

Efficient Meal Preparation

The holidays are synonymous with scrumptious meals and delectable treats. With an organized kitchen and pantry, meal preparation becomes a smoother process. You'll have easy access to ingredients, cookware, and utensils, making it a joy to prepare those special holiday dishes.
Hot tip: Clean out your pantry by checking expiration dates on items. It will create space and save you from accidentally using expired goods in your holiday cooking!

Gratitude in the Little Things

An organized home encourages mindfulness and gratitude in the little things. You'll notice the beauty of your space, appreciate the items you've carefully curated, and truly savor the moments spent with loved ones. It's a reminder that simplicity can often be more, and this realization can cultivate a spirit of gratitude. Less is more!

Donations and Giving Back

Preparing for the holidays by getting organized is an excellent opportunity to give back. As you go through your belongings, consider donating items that are in good condition but no longer serve you. This act of kindness not only helps those in need but also instills a sense of gratitude and generosity in your heart.

We have officially launched our non-profit Composed Giving. It is our mission to get items into the hands of people who will benefit from them. If you’re local to the LA area, you can bring donations to our HQ location Tuesday - Sunday, or check out our list of nonprofits we give to.

Stress-Free Gift Shopping

An organized home often extends to your digital life, too. With well-structured files and documents, you can handle online holiday shopping and gift lists with ease. No more frantic searches for important information – it's all at your fingertips.

Make Space for New

At the end of the holiday season is New Years. A powerful time to cleanse and begin anew. Don’t enter into the New Year with unwanted chaos in your home, and don’t “circle back until after the holidays” - get it done now and set yourself up for a fresh start in the New Year.

We know that an organized and streamlined home is the perfect backdrop for embracing the spirit of gratitude during the holiday season. A tidy and efficient space reduces stress, creates a welcoming atmosphere, and facilitates efficient meal preparation. It allows you to focus on the little things and encourages a sense of gratitude and giving back. With an organized home, you can celebrate the holidays with a heart full of gratitude, creating cherished memories with your loved ones. So, get organized, decorate, and revel in the joy of the season!

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